VIP Prompter Service

Sales, rental and operation services for Prompter products

Attain started its Prompter business in 2014 and since then has been developing Prompter equipment in Japan and providing agency sales, rental, and operations services for Prompter products overseas.
We are committed to providing generous post-purchase support, including advice and know-how on how to use our delicate products for VIPs, so that they can use them with peace of mind.
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TOP News

Thorough Prompter Software comparison!
We offer several software products for Prompter. We offer different types of software depending on the customer's application, and we will explain the differences. View Article
How to display manuscripts with Prompter
How do I display the manuscript on the prompter? How do I display my document? Is it easy to import? Time and labor intensive? Do I need to convert from Word? Don't worry, it's very easy! View Article

What is a Prompter? Comparison of Speech Prompter, Camera Prompter, and Monitor Prompter by Application

Speech Prompter / Speech Prompter

What is
Speech Prompter?

You can view the PDF documents of all the Prompter products we offer at Attain. We also offer free demos and trials at our head office.Click here to apply

Sales Pages

If you are interested in purchasing, please click here to access the sales page. Details of each model, specifications, catalog Download is here

Rental Pages

If you are considering renting, please see this page. Details of each model, specifications, catalog Download is here

Camera Prompter / Camera Prompter

What is
Camera Prompter?

You can view the PDF documents of the Prompter products we offer at Attain.
We also offer free demonstrations and hands-on experience at Attain's headquarters.Click here to apply

Sales Pages

You can view the PDF documents of all the Prompter products we offer at Attain. We also offer free demos and trials at our head office.Click here to apply

Rental Pages

You can view the PDF documents of all the Prompter products we offer at Attain. We also offer free demos and trials at our head office.Click here to apply

What is Prompter?

A prompter is a device used in a wide range of situations, such as political press conferences, shareholders' meetings, lectures, concerts, and video recording, to electronically display scripts and dialogues on a monitor.
It serves as a so-called "cheat sheet" to convey the dialogue and proceedings. Many of you may have seen a prime minister or the governor of Tokyo using a transparent board-like device at a press conference on TV. The use of this stylish device by the President of the United States in his eloquent speech was televised in Japan and became a topic of conversation, and now we see it not only on formal occasions but also on all kinds of occasions.

Speech Prompter for speeches

It is mainly used in scenes of speeches such as company president's press conferences, new product announcements, shareholders' meetings, and lectures. One is placed on each side of the podium, allowing the speaker to read from a manuscript while looking out over the audience. They are also used for presidential speeches in the United States and press conferences at the prime minister's office.
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Camera prompter for recording

It is mainly used for video recording. By placing a camera in a dark curtain behind you, you can simply read a manuscript projected on the Prompter to get a camera-eye view. It is sometimes used to film a company president's comments, a politician's interview or political broadcast, or when an announcer reads the news.
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