Attain's e-Learning Materials

The "Anyone Can Understand" series is a series of video materials that Attain has produced for over 20 years. The content covers a wide range of topics including Office software such as Word and Excel, Adobe, programming, business manners, and more.
We offer two plans, one for Individual Customers and the other for Corporate Customers. If you are considering using our service for your company, please refer to our Corporate Services page.Corporate Services.
In addition, our educational materials include supplemental reading materials and sample files, which are popular with our customers because they allow them to learn and practice while working with their hands.

Provision of e-Learning Materials

We offer the following methods for the use of our e-Learning materials. Please feel free to Contact Us for a free consultation and estimate..

【For Individuals and Corporations】Flat-rate subscription service (over 120 titles for unlimited learning)

For 2,800 yen/month, you have unlimited access to over 120 titles. Supplementary reading materials and Samples files are also included to help you develop your skills.

Service Details and Application
  • Individual Customers:We accept orders from
  • Corporate Customers:We accept orders from Contact Us.
    We can also issue a demo account for you.

Samples of the teaching materials are also available on Youtube.
【Youtube】Attain DVD

【For Individuals】Purchase of educational materials (1 title - OK!)

Attain's popular e-Learning materials are ideal for skill improvement. In response to customer feedback, we have launched a new service that allows users to rent individual materials in addition to our unlimited learning plan of more than 140 titles for a fixed monthly fee.

【For Corporations】Purchase of educational materials (1 title - OK!)

"I want to take a course on how to use this Application." "I want to purchase a combination of several different types for in-house training." This is the best solution for such needs.
Customers who wish to use the service online
For details on the amount of money, study time, etc. for each material title, please refer to the Contents Title Price List Page.
Customers considering purchasing on DVD

For information on titles, prices, and purchase requests, please visit here.

【For Corporations】Rental of teaching materials (annual contract)

We also offer plans that limit the usage period to one year.
For a list of prices and titles of materials offered, see Contents Title Price List Page.

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