The “Online Japanese JLPT Comprehensive Exercise” is
an explanation video for Japanese-Language Proficiency Test from N5 to N1.

The exercise is the exact same format as the official JLPT so that learners are able to practice and test their Japanese ability while learning useful points for the answers.You will learn every section of JLPT "Language Knowledge(Vocabulary)", "Language Knowledge(Grammar)・Reading", and "Listening" through videos and a question sheet. Besides the learning video, it also includes a question sheet, a listening script, and a correct answer sheet.

Online Japanese JLPT Comprehensive Exercise

These exam materials are useful for advancing your proficiency in Japanese language study and acquiring the proper qualifications of JLPT. This course’s teaching materials can be used for: Beginners wanting to study general Japanese and those taking the JLPT.

This learning material is provided for those whose mother language isn’t Japanese.

※All contents are explained with the narration voice of three language: English, Chinese and Vietnamese.
※Japanese example sentences are all pronounced by native Japanese speakers.


Prof. Hajime Takamizawa

PhD - Josai International University Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences
Visiting Professor – Otemae University, Dalian Jiaotong University, Zhejiang Yuexiu
University of Foreign Languages, Shenyang University
President – International Educational Development Association – Nonprofit Organization
Chairman – Applied Japanese Language Education Association


JLPT learning materials and contents provided online by Attain have the following features and benefits.

  1. Understandable and kind explanation
  2. Native Japanese voice and subtitling of foreign language help your understanding
  3. E-learning test is included
  4. Contents can be learned by oneself
  5. Online streaming makes it possible to learn again and again

The demand of Japanese language skill for foreigners who want to work in Japanese companies is increasing year by year, accordingly this service is necessary for companies and education institution in Japan and overseas.