JLPT N2コース 目次
- 第1課就職してすぐに、九州に引越しをせざるを得ない状況になっちゃって。
- 第2課 あそこは事前登録してからでないと利用できないよ。
- 第3課勝手な手順でバックアップしたら、大事な情報が 流出しかねないからね。
- 第4課『社員旅行を契機として、他部署との交流を図りましょう』と書いてあります。
- 第5課日程につきましては、のちほどメールにてご連絡申し上げます。
- 第6課 インターネットでレシピを調べれば、レシピの本を買わなくて済みますよ。
- 第7課そこは施設やサービスのよさがとても有名で、最高級の温泉旅館といっても過言ではないくらいです。
- 第8課台風が来たら、ツアーは中止されるに決まっていますよ。
- 第9課昨日も試験のことを気にするあまり、寝られなくなっちゃったんだ。
- 第10課 ペットを避難所に連れていったら、自治体の指示やルールに基づいて行動し、周りの人にも配慮しましょう。
일본어 이러닝 [온라인 일본어 N2코스] 는
일본어능력시험 N2 레벨에 맞춘
중상급일본어 학습 교재입니다.
일본어능력시험의 N2 레벨에 상응하는
어휘,문법,독해를 배울 수있습니다.
The Japanese of N2 level is applied in actual conversations, so this course is useful for JLPT preparation and advancing your Japanese communication proficiency. All of the narration contains English subtitles, so that foreigner Japanese learners can freely study. In addition, for those countries unfamiliar with kanji, hiragana characters are added
above all of the kanji, so that learners can study effectively.
By the end of the course, learners will be able to do the following things:
- Master vocabulary, grammar, and reading comprehension related to the JLPT N2 level.
- Be able to understand Japanese used in everyday situations
- Be able to read materials written clearly on a variety of topics, such as articles and commentaries in newspapers and magazines as well as simple critiques, and comprehend their contents.
- Be able to understand and speak topics of everyday situations as well as in a variety of settings.
- Be able to speak and understand advanced business Japanese.
- Learners who understand English and whose native language is not Japanese ※
- Learners who have mastered JLPT N3 Japanese or finished intermediate Japanese study. ※
- Learners who want to take the JLPT N2.
- Learners who want to study advanced business Japanese.
- Learners who want to be proficient in conversational Japanese.
- Students enrolled in a Japanese language school or majoring in Japanese in college
- International students coming to Japan
- Foreign employees of a Japanese company who need Japanese language training